
  • 1 x 500 g pack Anya potatoes, washed and larger potatoes cut in half.
  • 1 x 100 g pack walnut halves, break some of the walnuts in half
  • 1 head celery
  • 1 x Ripe pear eg Williams, Comice etc, cored and cut into chunks
  • 1 Tbsp. Coarsely minced flat leaf parsley leaves
  • 150 gm Gorgonzola or possibly similar blue cheese, crumbled into chunks (5z)
  • 2 Tbsp. White wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 5 Tbsp. Walnut oil Salt and freshly grnd black pepper


  • Cook the potatoes till tender following instructions on the pack.
  • Meanwhile place the walnut halves and pcs on a baking tray and roast in a warm oven (200 C, 400 F, Gas Mark 6) for 5-10 min or possibly toast under a warm grill for 3-5 min.
  • Allow to cold.
  • Cut the base off the celery and throw away.
  • Separate any celery sticks and retain any celery leaves and wash and pat dry.
  • Trim and slice the celery sticks on the diagonal into chunks.
  • When the potatoes are cooked, drain well and allow to cold till just hot.
  • Place into a serving bowl.
  • Add in the toasted walnuts, celery and pear chunks, parsley leaves and blue cheese chunks to the potatoes.
  • Mix together the dressing ingredients adding seasoning to taste and pour over the salad ingredients tossing together to thoroughly coat.
  • Notes Serve immediately.
  • NOTES : Waxy textured Anya potatoes complimented with crisp celery, pear and crunchy walnuts in a walnut oil dressing.