
  • 20 lb turkey (or 2 whole chickens)
  • 1/3 c peppercorns
  • 1 whole head garlic
  • 8 bay leaves
  • 2 cups course salt
  • 4 Guiness or other stout beers
  • several sprigs of fresh tarragon
  • 2 sticks butter for roasting


  • At least 48 hours in advance, clean the defrosted turkey, removing neck and innards. Put in a plastic vessel for marinating in the fridge. I've used a 5-gallon (paint-type) bucket to put in the fridge, or in a small cooler kept filled partially with ice.
  • Add all ingredients except for the butter. Fill the bucket to the top with water, making sure turkey is fully covered with liquid. Let marinate for at least 48 hours.
  • When ready to cook, take out the turkey and be sure to pick off any remant spices. Insert pats of the butter inside the turkey and under the skin all over. Put the bird in a roaster or in the oven in a roasting pan and cook according to times and temperatures indicated on the package for your weight. Baste the turkey every 20 minutes or so.