Download Angel food cake - Cake
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  • ⅔ cup plain flour
  • ¼ cup cornflour
  • ⅔ cup caster sugar
  • 10 egg whites
  • 1½ teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 cup caster sugar, extra
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence


  • 1¼ cups caster sugar
  • ½ cup water
  • 3 egg whites


1. Preheat oven to moderate 180°C. Sift flour and cornflour twice onto a sheet of greaseproof paper. Add caster sugar and sift again. Using electric beaters, beat egg whites in a large bowl until soft peaks form. Add cream of tartar and beat until combined.

2. Add sugar gradually, beating constantly until it has dissolved and the mixture is thick and glossy. Add essence and beat until combined.

3. Using a metal spoon, fold in flour in three batches, until just combined. Spoon mixture into a 23 cm angel food cake tin. Bake for 45 minutes, until lightly golden and springy to the touch. Invert cake tin onto a board and leave tin on until cake cools completely. Run a knife around side of cake to loosen; turn onto a large plate. Cover top and sides with Frosting and decorate with gilded sugared almonds (dragées), if desired.

4. To make Frosting: Combine sugar and water in a small pan. Stir constantly over low heat until mixture boils and sugar has dissolved. Simmer, uncovered, without stirring, for 5 minutes. Using electric beaters, beat egg whites in a clean, dry mixing bowl until stiff peaks form. Pour hot syrup over egg whites, beating constantly until icing is thick, glossy and increased in volume.

5. Storage time Cake will keep up to two days in an airtight container.