
  • 6 1/2 c. Canned tomatoes, peeled
  • 3 med Onions, diced
  • 6 x Carrots, peeled, sliced
  • 4 med Potatoes, peeled, sliced
  • 3 x Jalapeno peppers, peeled, deveined, sliced
  • 2 Tbsp. Beef bouillon
  • 5 lb Ammonites*
  • 1 c. Butter, melted
  • 3 1/4 c. Canned corn
  • 1 tsp Salt, or possibly to taste
  • 13 c. Water
  • 1 dsh Tabasco, or possibly to taste


  • *If ammonites are unavailable or possibly extinct in your area, squid or possibly conch will make an excellent substitute.
  • In a large pot, break up the tomatoes and add in the onion, carrots, potatoes, jalapeno peppers and beef bouillon.
  • Cook till tender.