Category: whole chilies
Learn whole chilies - Recipes
  1. Chili Rellenos - Cheddar cheese

    Ingredients 1 lb. mild Cheddar cheese, shredded *1 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, shredded *2 large cans whole chilies4 eggs2 tsp. salt1 large can evaporated milkMethodWash chilies, remove seeds and pat dry.Layer ha...Learn More
    Cheddar cheesecheesewhole chilies
  2. Chile Rellenos Casserole - whole chilies

    Ingredients 1 (7 oz.) can whole chilies1/2 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, grated2 eggs1 1/2 c. milk1/2 c. flour1 tsp. seasoned salt1/2 tsp. pepperMethodLine 12 x 8 x 2-inch baking dish with chilies; put grated chees...Learn More
    whole chiliescheeseeggs