Category: white mustard
Learn white mustard - Recipes
  1. Pottsfield Pickles - tomatoes

    Ingredients 3 pt. ripe tomatoes3 pt. green tomatoes3 pt. cabbage2 stalks celery4 red peppers3 large onions1/2 c. salt1/2 c. white mustard1/2 c. grated horseradish3 pt. sugar3 pt. vinegar1/2 tsp. cloves and cinn...Learn More
    tomatoesgreen tomatoescabbage
  2. Chow-Chow - cabbage

    Ingredients 1 head cabbage (large)3 green peppers1/2 oz. cloves1/2 lb. sugar2 oz. white mustard seed2 1/2 qt. green tomatoes1 oz. celery seed1/4 oz. turmeric1/2 c. salt2 qt. vinegarMethodChop all the ingredient...Learn More
    cabbagegreen pepperscloves
  3. Pear Relish - ground pears

    Ingredients 1 gal. ground pears1/2 gal ground onions10 sweet green peppers, ground4 sweet red peppers, ground4 hot peppers, ground2 c. salt2 quarts vinegar2 Tbsp. turmeric4 c. sugar2 Tbsp. white mustard seed (i...Learn More
    ground pearsground onionssweet green peppers
  4. Bread And Butter Pickles - cucumbers

    Ingredients 7 qt. small cucumbers, sliced thin1 qt. small onions, sliced thin1/2 c. salt water1 1/2 qt. vinegar1 tsp. turmeric1/4 lb. white mustard seed6 c. sugarMethodLet cucumbers and onions stand in salt wat...Learn More
    cucumbersonionssalt water