Category: trotters
Learn trotters - Recipes
  1. Hardcore Feijoada Recipe - black beans

    Ingredients 1 pound dried black beans, picked overKosher salt1 pound salted pig parts - ears, trotters, salted pork fatback, slab bacon (see note), cut into 1/2 to 1-inch pieces, rinsed of excess salt1 pound li...Learn More
    black beanskosher salttrotters
  2. Baked Pigs Trotters Recipe - trotters

    Ingredients 4 x pigs trotters1 x onion peeled and minced2 x carrots peeled and minced1 x bouquet garni squeeze of lemon juice healthy pinch of salt225 gm sweetbreads peeled blanched and minced lOOg oyster mushr...Learn More
  3. Graisserons Recipe - pork shoulder

    Ingredients About 1 pound pork shoulder, deboned pork neck, or pork hock, cut into 2-inch chunksAbout 2 pounds duck legs4 to 8 ounces poultry gizzards and/or hearts, trimmed of silverskinAbout 8 ounces trotters...Learn More
    pork shoulderpoultry gizzardstrotters