Category: sweet vermouth
Learn sweet vermouth - Recipes
  1. Negroni Punch - fresh fruit

    Ingredients 4 cups assorted fresh fruit (such as berries, pitted cherries, and pitted sliced apricots and peaches)2 to 4 tablespoons sugar (optional)1 cup Campari1 cup sweet vermouth1 cup gin2 750-ml bottles ch...Learn More
    fresh fruitsugarsweet vermouth
  2. Negroni - gin

    Ingredients 3 tbsp gin2 tbsp sweet vermouth2 tbsp CampariNone None several ice cubes1 None lime sliceNone None soda water, chilled, to top offMethodAdd the gin, vermouth and Campari in a cocktail shaker with th...Learn More
    ginsweet vermouthseveral ice cubes
  3. Fresh Sicilian Tomato Sauce - olive oil

    Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil6 cloves garlic (crushed)2 medium onions (chopped)9 cups ripe fresh tomatoes (, cored & chopped)2 (28 ounce) cans diced tomatoes (undrained)1 green pepper (chopped)1/4 cup fresh par...Learn More
    olive oilgarliconions
  4. Negrone - ponies

    Ingredients 2 ounces (2 ponies) gin2 ounces (2 ponies) Campari1 ounce (1 pony) sweet vermouth2 tablespoons strained fresh orange juiceMethodIn a cocktail shaker, combine the gin, the Campari, the vermouth, the ...Learn More
    poniesponiessweet vermouth
  5. Leap Year - gin

    Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces gin1/4 ounce sweet vermouth1/4 ounce Grand MarnierDash lemon juice3 or 4 ice cubesTwist lemon peelMethodCombine all ingredients, except the peel, in a mixing glass and stir well. Strain...Learn More
    ginsweet vermouthGrand Marnier
  6. Ideal - gin

    Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces gin1/2 ounce sweet vermouth1/4 teaspoon maraschino1 tablespoon grapefruit juice3 or 4 ice cubesMethodCombine ingredients in a mixing glass and shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass....Learn More
    ginsweet vermouthmaraschino
  7. Holiday Punch - sugar

    Ingredients 3/4 c. sugar2 c. water2 c. whiskey1 1/4 c. Port wine3/4 sweet vermouthjuice from small jar cherriesMethodHeat and make into a simple syrup the sugar and water. Mix ingredients and add to the cooled ...Learn More
  8. Delmonico Number 1 - gin

    Ingredients 1 ounce gin1/2 ounce brandy1/2 ounce sweet vermouth1/2 ounce dry vermouth2 dashes Angostura bitterstwist OrangeMethodShake the liquid ingredients vigorously with ice.Strain into a chilled cocktail g...Learn More
    ginbrandysweet vermouth
  9. Melanzana Candolese Recipe - eggplants

    Ingredients 2 lg. eggplants, cut off sm. end (cut eggplant in middle form top to bottom; remove all pulp form inside leaving 1/8 inch on wall; set aside pulp and shell2 Large eggs3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese1...Learn More
    eggplantseggsParmesan cheese
  10. Negroni - gin

    Ingredients 3 tablespoons gin2 tablespoons sweet vermouth2 tablespoons campariice cubes several1 lime slicesoda water chilled, to top offMethodAdd the gin, vermouth and Campari in a cocktail shaker with the ice...Learn More
    ginsweet vermouthcampari
  11. Italian Mushroom Soup - unsalted butter

    Ingredients 12 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)1 lb mushroom, thinly sliced1 large onion, minced3 tablespoons tomato paste5 cups beef stock (preferably homemade)12 cup sweet vermouthsalt & freshly ground black pep...Learn More
    unsalted buttermushroomonion
  12. Ginless Negroni - sweet vermouth

    Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces Campari1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth such as carpana antica1/2 teaspoon juniper tincture1 splash Peroni beer or other pilsner lager3 dashes angostura bittersMethodput all ingredients exce...Learn More
    sweet vermouthtincturePeroni beer