Category: Squirt
Learn Squirt - Recipes
  1. Hawaiian Punch Punch - red

    Ingredients 3 pkg. red Kool-Aid6 qt. water1 can Hawaiian Punch1 qt. Squirt1 (12 oz.) can lemonadeMethodMix Kool-Aid with water; do not add sugar.Add to lemonade, then add punch and soda....Learn More
    redwaterHawaiian Punch
  2. Beef Stew - stew meat

    Ingredients stew meat4 c. boiling water1 Tbsp. lemon juice1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce1 clove garlic1 medium onion1 or 2 bay leaves1 Tbsp. salt1/2 tsp. pepper1 tsp. sugar1/2 tsp. paprikadash of allspice or clove...Learn More
    stew meatboiling waterlemon juice
  3. Irie PassionFruit Smoothie - sweet orange

    Ingredients 1 large Sweet Orange, peeled and chopped1 large Ripe Mango (the more ripe the sweeter), chopped3/4 can of Crushed Pineapples with juice (can sub fresh pineapple)1/2 Apple (I used red), chopped2 Carr...Learn More
    sweet orangemangopineapple
  4. Caesar Salad - oil

    Ingredients 1/2 c. oil2 tsp. garlic1 tsp. black pepper1 squirt Sweet*101 tsp. mustard or Dijon2 Tbsp. lemon juice2 eggs or egg substitute1 tsp. seasoned salt1 pkg. fresh chopped Parmesan cheese (3 oz.)MethodIn ...Learn More
    oilgarlicblack pepper