Category: Pistou
Learn Pistou - Recipes
  1. Pistou Bruschetta - Pistou

    Ingredients Pistoutwo bunches fresh basiltwo handfuls fresh baby spinach3 cloves garliclots of salt (to taste, but mine is a salty taste)"Soupe"half an onion2 carrotshalf a red pepperone small zucchini8 green b...Learn More
    Pistoufresh basilbaby spinach
  2. White Bean, Leek And Garlic Sausage Soup - butter

    Ingredients 3 1/2 tbsp butter5 oz bacon, chopped finely2 cloves garlic, minced1 None leek, sliced thinly2 stalks celery,trimmed, chopped finely2 None carrots, chopped finely6 cups chicken stock1 None bay leaf7 ...Learn More
  3. Pistou Soup with Split Peas - leeks

    Ingredients 1 bunch leeks, Thinly sliced, about 3 leeks1 tablespoon olive oil1 cup carrots, peeled and chopped1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced2/3 cup green split peas, rinsed and d...Learn More
    leeksolive oilcarrots