Category: parsley root
Learn parsley root - Recipes
  1. Vegetarian Herbed Borscht With Mushroom Dumplings And Creme Fraiche - vegetable broth

    Ingredients 4 cups low sodium vegetable broth4 cups low sodium mushroom broth4 cups water1 cup vegetable juice3 pieces bay leaves3 pieces medium carrots, cleaned, julienned2 pieces medium russet potatoes, clean...Learn More
    vegetable brothmushroom brothwater
  2. Swordfish Bolognese Recipe - oil

    Ingredients 1/4 c. oil2 onions, minced2 stalks celery, minced2 young carrots, minced1 lg. clove garlic, mashed2 teaspoon capers1 clove1 bay leafParsley root, if handyMethodIn a good size skillet heat oil and ad...Learn More
    oilonionsstalks celery
  3. Chicken Dumpling Soup Recipe - stewing chicken

    Ingredients 1 sm. stewing chicken or possibly hen2 onions, diced1 parsley root (cream in color, carrot-like)6 carrots3 stalks celery2 bunches fresh parsley, dicedMethodCut up chicken (hen) into parts and rinse ...Learn More
    stewing chickenonionsparsley root
  4. Perfectly Pureed Potato Soup - red potatoes

    Ingredients 1 pound small red potatoes3 leeks1 parsnip1 parsley root3 large carrots, preferably organic5 tablespoons kosher or sea saltMethodPeel the potatoes and puree them briefly, in batches, in a food proce...Learn More
    red potatoesleeksparsnip
  5. Special Soup - celery knob

    Ingredients 1 medium celery knob (substitute 3 to 4 stalks celery)2 small leeks2 medium onionsdistilled water (to cover vegetables)1 medium parsley rootgarlic as desired1 1/2 lb. tomatoes or more1 lb. potatoesM...Learn More
    celery knobleeksonions