Category: onion pulp
Learn onion pulp - Recipes
  1. Minute Tapioca Ham Loaf - tapioca

    Ingredients 1/2 c. Minute tapioca (uncooked)1 lb. lean ham1 lb. fresh pork1 Tbsp. onion pulp1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce1/4 tsp. pepper1/4 tsp. paprika2 c. milkMethodGround together the ham and pork.Mix tapioca ...Learn More
    tapiocalean hamfresh pork
  2. Fried Trout - trout

    Ingredients 6 small brook trout2 tsp. onion pulp4 Tbsp. lime juice1/2 tsp. salt4 to 6 egg whites, beaten1/4 c. tart white wine1/2 tsp. sugar1/4 tsp. salt1/8 tsp. cayenne2 tsp. powdered gingerMethodCut onion acr...Learn More
    troutonion pulplime juice