Category: ground red chile pepper
Learn ground red chile pepper - Recipes
  1. Shichimi Togarashi and Nanami Togarashi Recipe - sansho

    Ingredients 2 tablespoons sansho (or 1 tablespoon black peppercorns)1 tablespoon dried tangerine peel1 tablespoon ground red chile pepper2 teaspoons flaked nori2 teaspoons black sesame seeds2 teaspoons white po...Learn More
    sanshopeelground red chile pepper
  2. ShyamS Goat Biryani - goat meat

    Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds goat meat1 1/4 cups plain Greek yogurt, stirred6 pitted prunes, or more to taste3 1/2 tablespoons diced fresh ginger1 1/4 tablespoons garlic paste1 1/2 teaspoons salt, or to taste1 1/2 ...Learn More
    goat meatyogurtprunes
  3. Shami Kabab Bun Kabab - ground beef

    Ingredients 2 pounds ground beef1 tablespoon garlic paste1 tablespoon ginger paste1 teaspoon ground coriander, or more to taste1 teaspoon ground cumin, or more to taste1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric1/2 teaspoon g...Learn More
    ground beefgarlicginger paste
  4. Madras Crab Curry - vegetable oil

    Ingredients 2 tablespoons vegetable oil1 cinnamon stick3 whole cloves1 whole star anise pod, crushed3 whole black peppercorns3 dried chile peppers3/4 teaspoon urad dal1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds2 large red onions...Learn More
    vegetable oilcinnamoncloves