Category: gammon
Learn gammon - Recipes
  1. Baked Gammon In Cider Recipe - gammon

    Ingredients Middle gammon2 x Bay leaves2 tsp Cloves2 Tbsp. Golden brown syrup2 Tbsp. Demerara sugar1/2 pt Cider1 x Tn peach halves Minced chivesMethodTotalCooking Time: allow 20 min per 20 min extra.Was...Learn More
    gammonbay leavesgolden brown syrup
  2. Boiled Bacon With Pease Pudding Recipe - gammon

    Ingredients 1 4/5 kg piece of gammon or possibly hock bacon stock:2 x bay leaves3 x cloves5 x black peppercorns2 med onions roughly minced3 med carrots roughly minced5 stk celery roughly minced pease pudding (q...Learn More
    gammonbay leavescloves
  3. Bacon And Parsnip Soup Recipe - butter

    Ingredients 25 gm Butter, (1oz)1 Tbsp. Oil1 x Onion, minced1 x Carrot, minced250 gm Parsnips, minced (8oz)250 gm Cooked gammon or possibly shoulder joint, cubed (8oz)2 pt Vegetable stock Freshly grnd black pepp...Learn More