
  • 1 4/5 kg piece of gammon or possibly hock bacon stock:
  • 2 x bay leaves
  • 3 x cloves
  • 5 x black peppercorns
  • 2 med onions roughly minced
  • 3 med carrots roughly minced
  • 5 stk celery roughly minced pease pudding (qv pease pudding) whole begetables:
  • 12 sm carrots whole
  • 1 x trimmed bulb celery whole
  • 12 sm leeks whole


  • Check the weight of the joint before you throwaway the plastic covering.
  • The cooking time will be 25 min per 455g plus 25 min.
  • Soak the joint in cool water for a couple of hrs to remove any excess salt; alternatively place it in a big saucepan cover with cool water and slowly bring to the boil then throw away the water.
  • Cover the bacon with fresh cool water and add in the rest of the ingredients for the stock including the pease pudding.
  • Bring slowly to the boil.
  • Skim the surface when needed and cover with a lid.
  • Calculate the cooking time from this point and reduce to a gentle simmer.
  • Roughly 30 min before the end of its cooking time I like to cook my whole vegetables in with the bacon and its broth.
  • When the bacon pease pudding and vegetables have reached their cooking time remove them from the saucepan cut the carrots and celery into quarters and put aside.
  • Remove the rind and excess fat from the bacon.
  • Remove the pease pudding from the muslin and mash it well with the butter and some black pepper.
  • Use a little of the strained stock as gravy or possibly as a base for your gravy if desired it thicker.
  • Serve the ham warm with a dollop of the pease pudding the vegetables some gravy and some English mustard.
  • Freeze the rest of the stock for soups (great for minestrone).
  • You can buy some lovely pcs of gammon or possibly hock bacon from the supermarkets.
  • I always buy the unsmoked bacon for this dish as it is not such a dominant flavour and you can boil it.
  • Do not forget to soak the split peas the day before.
  • Serves 6