Category: fresh water
Learn fresh water - Recipes
  1. The Art of Pulling Fresh Mozzarella - fresh water

    Ingredients 4 quarts fresh water1 pound mozzarella curd1 cup saltSaline, recipe followsMethodIn a 4 quart pot bring 2 quarts water to a boil.Pour in the salt and let dissolve.Slice the curd as thinly as possibl...Learn More
    fresh watermozzarella curdsalt
  2. Barley Stew Recipe - pinto beans

    Ingredients 1/3 c. each: Pinto beans, red beans, lentils, split peas, and black eyed peas6 c. fresh water1 (24 ounce.) can V-8 juiceGarlic pwdrInstead of Salt (Health Valley)1 minced onion1/2 c. pearled barleyA...Learn More
    pinto beansfresh watergarlic