Category: fresh flowers
Learn fresh flowers - Recipes
  1. Last-Minute Cake With Fresh Flowers - cake mix

    Ingredients 2 pkg (16 oz each) cake mix2-3 cans (16 oz each) vanilla frostingNone None Fresh flowers, to decorateMethodPrepare cake mixes according to package directions. Divide batter among greased and floured...Learn More
    cake mixvanilla frostingfresh flowers
  2. Napkin Rings And A Decorated Vase From Corrugated Cardboard - scissors

    Ingredients Scissors1 small roll corrugated cardboard or 3 sheets approximately 10 by 15 inches (available at craft stores)1 empty cardboard roll from paper towels (optional)Double-sided tape18 to 26 strands Ra...Learn More
    scissorsroll corrugated cardboardroll from
  3. Emerils Wedding Cake - Cake

    Ingredients 2 (12 by 2-inch) round layers sponge cake, recipe follows2 (9 by 2-inch) round layers sponge cake, recipe follows2 (6 by 2-inch) round layers sponge cake, recipe follows12 inch cardboard cake round9...Learn More
  4. Flower and Ice Centerpiece - containers

    Ingredients 2 bain marie or metal cylindrical containers or bowls, one 3 inches smaller in diameter than the otherLots of ice cubesWaterFresh flowers like roses, lilies, and some smaller blooms, like delphinium...Learn More