Category: fish roe
Learn fish roe - Recipes
  1. Taramosalata Fish Roe - fish roe

    Ingredients 14 lb fish roe23 lb boiled potatoes1 cup olive oil1 small onion1 12 lemons, squeezedMethodMash the tarama the potatoes and the onion.Beat the mix until very soft and creamy.Add the olive oil and lem...Learn More
    fish roepotatoesolive oil
  2. Wedding Barbie - Blini with Caviar - yeast

    Ingredients 1 teaspoon dry yeast1/4 cup warm water1 cup whole milk3 tablespoons melted butter1/4 cup all-purpose flour1 1/2 cups buckwheat flour1/4 teaspoon salt1/4 cup buttermilk2 egg whites, whipped to stiff ...Learn More
    yeastwarm watermilk