Category: corn flakes crumbs
Learn corn flakes crumbs - Recipes
  1. Cheese Carrots - fresh carrots

    Ingredients 2 lb. fresh carrots, sliced1 stick margarine1/2 lb. Velveeta cheesesalt and pepper to tastecorn flakes crumbsMethodCook carrots until tender; drain.Place in baking dish, sprayed with Pam.Melt cheese...Learn More
    fresh carrotsmargarineVelveeta cheese
  2. Microwave Chicken Breasts Parmesan - tomato sauce

    Ingredients 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce1/4 tsp. garlic salt1/2 c. corn flakes crumbs1/4 c. Parmesan cheese1/2 c. Mozzarella cheese, shredded1 tsp. parsley2 chicken breasts (4 pieces)1 egg, beatenMethodMix tomato...Learn More
    tomato saucegarlic saltcorn flakes crumbs
  3. Baked Potato Casserole - potatoes

    Ingredients 6 medium potatoes1/4 c. butter1/3 c. chopped onion1 can cream of chicken soup8 oz. sour cream1 1/2 c. grated cheddar cheese1 1/2 c. corn flakes crumbs2 Tbsp. melted butterMethodBake potatoes and tak...Learn More