Category: clove shallot
Learn clove shallot - Recipes
  1. Quick Scampi With Cream Sauce - shrimp

    Ingredients 8 large shrimp, peeledflour, for dusting1 tablespoon olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed1 clove shallot, mincedsea saltfresh ground black pepper1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice1 dash Tabasco sauce1 table...Learn More
    shrimpflourolive oil
  2. Italian Style White Clam Sauce With Linguine - butter

    Ingredients 6 tablespoons butter1 clove garlic, chopped1 clove shallot, chopped3 green onions, sliced1/2 cup chopped mushroom4 dashes Tabasco sauce1/2 large tomatoes, chopped1/4 teaspoon fresh lemon juice8 ounc...Learn More
    butterclove garlicclove shallot