Category: chipped apples
Learn chipped apples - Recipes
  1. Chipped Apple Pie - crust

    Ingredients 9-inch unbaked pie crust2 1/2 c. chipped apples1 egg, beaten3/4 tsp. cinnamon1/4 tsp. salt1 stick margarineMethodPrepare pie crust.Place chipped apples into crust.Combine sugar, cinnamon, salt and m...Learn More
    crustchipped applesegg
  2. Fresh Apple Cake - sugar

    Ingredients 2 c. sugar4 eggs1 c. pecans1 c. coconut1 1/2 c. oil3 c. flour3 c. chipped apples1 Tbsp. vanillaMethodBeat sugar, oil and eggs together.Add flour.Add vanilla, pecans, coconut and apples.Bake in tube ...Learn More