Category: chai cream
Learn chai cream - Recipes
  1. V-56 Float - chai cream

    Ingredients 12 ounce Voyant chai cream liqueur14 ounce JagermeisterCokevanilla ice creamMethodIn a tall soda glass filled with ice, add in Voyant and Jagermeister.Top off with Coke.Use a spoon to mix well and t...Learn More
    chai creamJagermeistervanilla ice cream
  2. Chaitini - chai cream

    Ingredients 3 ounces Voyant chai cream liqueursplash vanilla vodka1 ounce coffee liqueurMethodCombine ingredients over ice in a shaker and shake well.Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a few c...Learn More
    chai creamvanilla vodkacoffee liqueur
  3. Chai Chocolate Coffee - chai cream

    Ingredients 1 12 ounces Voyant chai cream liqueur1 12 ounces Creme de Cacao6 ounces brewed coffee, strong coffee is bestwhipped creamcinnamon sugarMethodPut the two liquors in the bottom of a heat proof glass.A...Learn More
    chai creamcacaocoffee