Category: cans spinach
Learn cans spinach - Recipes
  1. Spinach Madeline - cans spinach

    Ingredients 2 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach or 2 cans spinach2 Tbsp. onion4 Tbsp. melted margarine2 Tbsp. flour1/2 c. spinach juice1/2 c. evaporated milk1/2 tsp. pepper3/4 tsp. garlic salt1 tsp. Worceste...Learn More
    cans spinachonionmargarine
  2. Spinach And Cheese Dish - cans spinach

    Ingredients 2 large cans spinach, drained3 eggs2 tsp. mustarddash of pepper1 tsp. salt1 pkg. saltine crackers, finely crushed or use boxed saltine cracker crumbs (graham crackers not recommended)sharp cheese, s...Learn More
    cans spinacheggsmustard