Category: besan
Learn besan - Recipes
  1. Mooli Ka Paratha - mooli

    Ingredients 2 kilograms mooli Grated, Kadoo Kash Mooli4 kilograms wheat flour1 cup besan1/2 cup fresh mint chopped1/2 cup fresh coriander chopped1 cup methi Fresh Qasuri, Chopped10 green chillies chopped2 teasp...Learn More
    moolikilograms wheat flourbesan
  2. Somesh Raos Boondhi Raita - besan

    Ingredients 1/4 cup besan1/2 cup waterGhee, for fryingSalt, to tastePepper, to tasteChat masala, to taste1-1/2 cup yogurt1/4 cup milkMethodMake a pouring paste of the besan and water.Heat ghee and drop paste in...Learn More