
  • 200 g plain yogurt
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 250 g self-raising flour, approx
  • 125 g feta, grated
  • 125 g parmesan cheese, grated
  • 125 g mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 125 g tasty cheddar cheese, grated
  • salsa
  • 2 tomatoes, finely sliced
  • 1 small red onion, finely diced
  • 1/2 bunch coriander, chopped coarsely
  • salt and pepper


  • Beat yogurt and salt together in large bowl until smooth. Gradually add flour until you have a stiff dough. Tip onto a lightly floured bench and gradually knead dough, incorporating any remaining flour until the dough is soft and only slightly sticky. Transfer to a clean bowl and stand covered 30 minutes.
  • When ready to cook, divide dough into 8 equal portions. Roll out thinly. Pile a small handful of cheese in the centre of the rolled out dough. Brush a little water around edges before folding over cheeses to seal. Pat cheese parcel with palm of hand until pressed together and about 5mm thick.
  • Heat a large non-stick frying pan over very high heat. When hot, cook cheese parcels one at a time until browned and crisp on base. Flip over and continue to cook on other side until browned. Transfer to a large chopping board and cut in half to serve. Serve with salsa as a light snack.
  • Tomato Salsa: Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl, stir well. Serve with cheese bread.