
  • 2 cups Spring (white) Wheatberries, dry
  • 1/2 cup Wild Rice, dry
  • 1 heaping teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1/4 cup grapeseed oil
  • 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 lemon's zest
  • 1 lemon's juice (maybe more), +lemon for serving
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped fine
  • 1-11/2 cups steamed favas or edamame, cooled (peel edamame as for favas if you have the patience)
  • 2-3 garlic scapes, sliced thin
  • 1/4 cup parsley, sliced fine
  • 1/3+ cups crumbled feta, or ricotta salata, small dice


  • Combine the wheatberries and wild rice in a medium (8") sauce pan, rinse through with a few changes of cool water, then cover with water by about an inch and a half. Bring to a boil. Add salt. Reduce heat to a simmer, and cook until tender, about 1 hour, adding more water - to just cover - if need be. Drain if necessary, set aside to cool.
  • In a medium skillet over moderately high heat, heat the oil. When hot enough to quickly sizzle a seed on contact, carefully add in the sunflower seeds. You should hear popping and see browning almost immediately. Fry-toast seeds, shaking the pan frequently, until golden brown and crispy, about 4 minutes. Remove pan from heat, and remove seeds from oil using a slotted spoon. Drain on brown paper. Transfer hot oil to a medium prep bowl.
  • In a small dry skillet over moderately high heat toast cumin until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add to reserved oil.
  • Add the lemon zest, juice (start with 1/2), and some salt and pepper to the cumin oil. I like to blitz dressing with my hand-blender for super-emulsion, but whisking is fine too. Taste and adjust seasoning, remembering that the cheese will add significant salt. You may need a drizzle of olive oil here.
  • In a large bowl, combine wheat & wild rice mixture, favas, scapes, thyme, and parsley. Pour dressing over & mix well.
  • Just before serving, fold in cheese (can be added in previous step if using the firmer ricotta salata) and sunflower seeds. Garnish with a little extra parsley and a lemon wheel.
  • *If the salad is to be made ahead, the lemon's zip will likely diminish as time passes, make sure to taste before serving. A little sherry vinegar is a nice perk-up in a pinch.