
  • 2 cans crescent rolls
  • 12 oz. cream cheese
  • 1 c. Miracle Whip
  • 2 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch (dry)
  • 1 c. broccoli
  • 1 c. tomato
  • 1 c. cauliflower
  • 1 c. green pepper
  • small onion
  • 1 pkg. shredded Cheddar cheese


  • Lay crescent rolls flat on cookie sheet.
  • Bake 8 to 9 minutes and cool.
  • Mix together cream cheese, Miracle Whip and Hidden Valley Ranch and spread over cooled crescent rolls.
  • Cut up fine the broccoli, tomato, green pepper, cauliflower and enough onion to taste.
  • Press into cream cheese mix.
  • Cover with shredded Cheddar cheese.
  • Cover and cool for 1 1/2
  • hours.