
  • 150 grams butter
  • 210 grams flour
  • 80 grams ground hazelnuts or almonds
  • 80 grams powdered sugar
  • one whole egg
  • 60 grams powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar


  • Sieve the flour into a heap on a pastry board or into a large bowl.
  • Cut the cold butter into small pieces and mix with the flour. Add powdered sugar, ground almonds or hazelnuts and the egg.
  • Rinse hands with cold water and quickly knead mixture into a crisp dough. Chill for half an hour.
  • Form thumb thick rolls from the dough, cut into 1 cm wide pieces, roll and form crescents.
  • Bake at slow to medium heat (160° Celsius) for 10-15 minutes, or until very light gold in colour.
  • Turn the crescents in a mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar while still hot. Enjoy!