Download Turkey tenderloins with chestnut, cranberry and sage farce - Poultry
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  • 4 turkey breast tenderloin (skinless)
  • 10 peeled, chopped chestnuts (fresh, if available, or frozen/tinned)
  • 3 tbsp cranberries (dried or fresh) Handful of fresh sage, chopped
  • 4 cups of chicken mousse*
  • 1 medium-large sheet crepinette **
  • Roast potatoes, sauteed spinach, roasted chestnuts and glazed onions to serve


Pre-heat oven to 200C.

To make chicken mousse: using a food processor, blend four chicken breasts, four eggs and 200ml cream until it resembles a thick, creamy paste.

Stir chopped chestnuts, sage and cranberries through chicken mousse until evenly dispersed.

To prepare crepinette, cut into squares of 20cm x 20cm and lay flat on cling film. Place fillet in middle of crepinette and spread a generous amount of farce on top. Peel crepinette away from clingfilm, starting at the top, wrap it over the breast and tuck into fillet underside. Fold all edges of crepinette in under the breast to make a neat, contained package.

Using the crepinette can be avoided altogether - simply wrap the breast in clingfilm and steam until the farce has bound to the breast, which should take 8-10 minutes.

Place wrapped fillet into a steamer for about 8 minutes. Remove from steamer, remove clingfilm if used and pan-fry with a tablespoon of olive oil or turkey stock (can be substituted for chicken stock) until golden brown.

Place in oven and cook for a further 6 minutes, or until firmly bound together.

To serve: Remove from oven and slice into four rounds. Serve with roast potatoes, sauteed spinach, oven-roasted chestnuts and gravy, and fried sage leaves and fresh cranberries to decorate.

*Chicken mousse: a binding agent for the stuffing

**Crepinette: pig's stomach lining - can be bought from most butchers. Store in brine or its own juices.