
  • 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 mango, peeled, pitted, and cut into 1/2-inch dice
  • 1/4 pineapple, peeled, cored, and cut into 1/2-inch dice
  • 3 bananas, peeled and quartered (cut in half both lengthwise and crosswise)
  • 1/4 cup Meyers dark rum
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 pint vanilla ice cream
  • 12 vanilla wafer cookies


  • In heavy, 12-inch skillet over moderately high heat, melt 4 tablespoons butter and brown sugar, stirring, until sugar dissolves, about 4 minutes. Add mango and pineapple and saute until coated with butter, about 1 minute. Add bananas and saute until coated with butter, about 1 minute.
  • Pour rum into pan, but do not stir into sauce. Allow rum to heat, about 1 minute, then tilt pan away from you and use long match to carefully ignite sauce. Let sauce burn, swirling skillet to prolong flame, until it dies out, about 1 to 2 minutes. Using slotted spoon, remove bananas from pan, place, cut side up, on plate, and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Pour cream and coconut extract into pan and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, until thickened, about 3 to 4 minutes. Keep warm.
  • In large, nonstick skillet over moderately high heat, melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter until foam subsides. Add bananas, cut side down, and saute until golden brown, about 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Into each of 4 chilled bowls, scoop 1/3 cup ice cream. Place 3 pieces banana in each bowl. Divide mango and pineapple among bowls. Spoon sauce over fruit and garnish with wafer cookies if desired. Serve immediately.