
  • 1 whole Batch Of Pizza Dough (I Use Pioneerwoman's Recipe)
  • 1 whole Small Red Onion
  • 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil, Divided
  • 3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
  • 2 cloves Garlic, Minced
  • 3 whole Small Yukon Gold Potatoes
  • 12 ounces, weight Fresh Mozzarella, Thinly Sliced
  • 13 cups Crumbled Fromage Du Chevre (goat Cheese)
  • 1/4 cups Shredded Parmesan Cheese


  • Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.
  • Cut the root and tip off of the onion.
  • Cut it in half from root to tip, and remove the skin.
  • Make vertical slices in each half, resulting in thin strips of onion.
  • Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat, add onions and brown sugar, and cook slowly for several minutes until the onions are very soft.
  • Meanwhile, roll out the pizza dough on a baking sheet or pizza stone.
  • Drizzle the remaining olive oil (2 tablespoons) over the surface.
  • Sprinkle garlic over the surface.
  • Slice the potatoes paper thin.
  • Like, as thin as you possibly can get them.
  • If they are too thick, they wont cook fully.
  • (The yukon gold potatoes help with this, because they are so soft even when raw, so its easier to slice them.)
  • Arrange the potatoes on the pizza crust, covering the entire surface in a single layer with no overlapping.
  • Lay the mozzarella on top.
  • Next, cover the surface with the onions, and top with fromage du chevre and parmesan.
  • Bake on the bottom shelf of the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly and the crust is golden brown.
  • Cut into wedges and serve immediately.
  • Enjoy!