
  • 50 grams Cake flour
  • 30 grams Rice flour for baking
  • 20 grams Almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp Baking powder
  • 2 tbsp Beet sugar
  • 2 pinch Natural salt
  • 2 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp Water
  • 30 grams Chocolate chips


  • Preheat the oven to 170C.
  • Put the ingredients in a bowl, and mix together with a whisk.
  • Add the vegetable oil, water and chocolate chips, and mix in with your hands.
  • Form into one ball of dough as if you were forming a small rice ball.
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Divide the dough into 16 portions and place on the paper.
  • Form each portion of dough into a ball.
  • (The key is to bake them as balls, not as flattened cookies!)
  • Put the baking tray in a preheated 170C oven, and bake for 10 minutes.
  • Take the tray out.
  • Press down hard with a spoon to make the cookies about 3 mm thick.
  • (If they become funny shapes, no worries, that's the charm of homemade cookies.
  • Just keep going.)
  • Put the cookies back in the oven, and bake for another 10 minutes at 170C.
  • Take the cookies out of the oven as soon as they are baked, and cool on a rack.
  • If it's too much work for you to form the dough into balls in Step 6, or if you want cookies that look rough and wild, you can just rip the dough and bake the unformed ripped pieces.
  • Cookies made this way may look cuter.