
  • 200 grams Sundubu (or very softly-set tofu and silken tofu)
  • 50 grams Pork belly, thinly sliced
  • 5 to 10 Clams
  • 1/2 Japanese leek
  • 50 grams Napa cabbage kimchi
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons Korean powdered red chilli
  • 1 tbsp Gochujang
  • 1 clove Garlic, grated
  • 1 knob Grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp Sesame oil
  • 300 ml Water
  • 1 tsp Beef dashida
  • 1 dash Salt
  • 1 optional Fresh eggs


  • Prepare the ingredients!
  • Remove sand from the clams.
  • Cut the sliced pork belly into 4 to 5 cm widths.
  • Cut the kimchi roughly.
  • Slice the Japanese leek diagonally.
  • Put ingredients in a one-person clay pot and fry over a low heat to allow to release the fragrance and spiciness.
  • If you fry over a high heat it will burn quickly and ruin the flavor.
  • Add the pork and kimchi and fry further.
  • Add the clams and ingredients.
  • Turn the heat to high and continue to cook.
  • Season with salt.
  • (I like to use miso to season too.)
  • Turn the heat to low.
  • Spoon the tofu gently and add to the pot.
  • Add the Japanese leek and bring to the boil by turning the heat up.
  • Drizzle with sesame oil (not listed in the ingredients) and serve.
  • Add an egg when you serve.
  • It will soften its spiciness.
  • It is optional, though.
  • Use as much Korean powdered red chilli as you like!
  • I normally use 2 tablespoons of it and the resultant dish is quite spicy hot.
  • I like this dish hot.