
  • 2 one inch thick New York strip steaks, trimmed of exterior fat
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 tablespoons emerils dry steak seasoning
  • 1 onion, sliced thin
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons fajita marinade, liquid
  • 1 (4 1/2 ounce) container boursin cheese, room temperature
  • 8 potato coney buns
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar


  • This recipe works best on a grill with a side burner.
  • Coat beef in oil and season to taste with the Emeril's Steak Rub.
  • Grill over medium heat 6-7 minutes per side for medium doneness.
  • Reduce heat on grill to low.
  • In a cast iron skillet on the side burner, heat butter over medium heat until melted.
  • Add onion slices, fajita marinade and the sugar.
  • Saute until golden brown. Remove from heat.
  • Transfer steak to cutting board and slice lengthwise into four one-inch strips.
  • Put one strip in each bun, top with some of the boursin cheese spread and some of the sauteed onions, to taste.
  • Serve immediately.