
  • 12 slices whole wheat bread
  • 6 slices smoked salmon
  • 5/8 cup light cream cheese
  • 1 lemon organic
  • dill
  • ground black pepper


  • Remove the crust of the bread slices.
  • Flatten each slice of bread between 2 sheets of parchment paper with a rolling pin so that they are very thin.
  • In a bowl mix with a forth cream cheese, the zest of half a lemon and some chopped dill. Pepper lightly.
  • Spread this mixture over the flattened bread slices.
  • Roll the slices up gently from one end. Cut each of them in half. Place sideways on a serving dish.
  • Cut pieces of salmon of approximately 6 centimeters in length.
  • Roll them and place them at the center of each roll so that they slightly stick out (as shown on the picture.)
  • Add a little dill and lemon zest in the middle.
  • Refrigerate until you serve.