
  • 4 medium russet potatoes, peels on and cut in 1inch dice
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon chopped shallots or 1 tablespoon scallion
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
  • 2 medium green peppers, cut in 1inch dice
  • 1 medium sweet red pepper, cut in 1 inch dice
  • 1 medium yellow sweet pepper, cut in 1 inch dice
  • 12 medium red onion, cut in 1 inch dice
  • 12 medium yellow onion, cut in 1 inch dice
  • 1 lb salmon, cut in 1/2 inch dice
  • 1 leaf of one stem fresh sage
  • 1 pinch rubbed sage
  • 1 pinch dried dill
  • 2 pinches kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry
  • black and white pepper


  • Soak potatoes for 10 min in 2 or 3 changes of cold water.
  • Drain and pat dry with paper towels.
  • Heat vegetable oil in heavy skillet until it's smoking.
  • Fry potatoes, tossing and turning, 6-8 minutes, until they are nicely browned.
  • Drain and reserve.
  • Pour off all but 1/4c of the oil, leaving brown bits from potatoes.
  • Lower heat to medium.
  • In same skillet, saute shallots and garlic 1-2 minutes, until they are lightly colored.
  • Add pepers and onion and cook 2-3 minutes, until limp.
  • Raise heat to high, add salmon and potatoes and toss several times, cooking just until salmon becomes opaque.
  • A few seconds before salmlon is cooked stir in herbs and salt, adding peppers to taste.
  • Standing well away from skillet, pour i sherry and ignite it.
  • Toss until flames are extinguished.
  • Serve immediately.