Download Saffron capelli pasta with sage - Pasta
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  • Title:For the pasta:
  • 400g 00 flour
  • 3 x 55g eggs
  • 30ml water infused with 1/3g saffron threads
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Title:For the sauce (for one serving):
  • 80g unsalted butter
  • 1/4 bunch chopped sage leaves
  • parmesan - small handful or to taste
  • salt


Andy Logue is head chef at The Italian, 2 Malthouse Lane, Melbourne, 9654 9499. 

For the pasta: In a large bowl mix all ingredients until a dough starts to form. Turn out onto a floured bench and work into a smooth dough. This should take 3-4 minutes.

Roll the dough into a rectangle (to fit pasta machine), cover with cling-film and allow to rest in the fridge.

Once rested (about 2 hours) roll the dough through your pasta machine and cut using the angel-hair attachment. Hang the pasta over a floured broomstick and allow to dry.

Allow 80g pasta a serve for a smallish starter.

For the sauce: In a cool pan place 50g unsalted butter and the chopped sage leaves. Slowly warm the butter and allow the sage to infuse it.

In the meantime blanch the pasta till al dente and add to the butter mix. Gently move the pasta through the butter to coat each strand then add grated parmesan and salt to taste.

Serve with extra parmesan.