
  • 6 -8 small red potatoes
  • 1 -2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 dash cayenne pepper
  • 1 dash rosemary
  • 1 dash thyme
  • 1 dash dill
  • 1 dash garlic powder
  • 1 dash parsley
  • 1 dash black pepper
  • 1 dash salt


  • Pre-heat the oven to 350F.
  • Wash and slice potatoes into bite-sized pieces (quarters or eighths, generally).
  • Set potatoes in a glass Pyrex pan.
  • I usually use an 8x8, but if you make lots, a 13x9x2 will do.
  • The potatoes should cover the bottom of the pan; it's best if they aren't piled.
  • Drizzle the olive oil on top of the potato pieces.
  • Go crazy with the spices.
  • I recommend a good sprinkle of all the spices listed, although you can add or subtract any savory spices you choose.
  • The cayenne does give it an extra kick.
  • Cook for 45 minutes at 350F.
  • Let cool for 5 minutes (that olive oil gets really hot), and enjoy!