
  • 1 3/8 cups carnaroli rice
  • 3 tablespoons white onion finely chopped
  • 5 sunflower oil
  • 5 extra-virgin olive oil
  • 7/8 cup dried porcini mushrooms soaked
  • 5 1/3 tablespoons fresh flat leaf parsley finely chopped
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons butter unsalted
  • 5/8 cup grana padano grated
  • salt
  • beef Braised, ingredients:
  • 1 1/8 pounds boneless beef chuck well-marbled
  • 10 sunflower oil
  • 1 1/2 onions middle sized
  • 2 large garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 4 sage leaves large


  • Preparation Braised Beef:
  • Half the onions lengthwise, then thinly slice them lengthwise. heat the oil in a casserole and spread half of onions and half of garlic. Stir fry for 4 min. at low heat. Turn up the heat and arrange meat on top. Roast the meat on both sides and spread remaining onions and garlic over it.
  • Add 1/2 a cup of stock , the sage leaves and tightly cover the casserole with its lid. Let the meat braise at low heat, turning meat over every 20 min. and adding stock whenever needed, until meat is very tender. Season with salt and fresh ground black pepper.
  • Preparation Risotto:
  • Step 1: Soffritto The soffritto is the first essential step that gives a risotto its unique flavor. Lightly heated the oil (sunflower and olive oil mixed) in a casserole. Add the finely chopped onion and slowly sautee for at least ten minutes over a low heat. If you are not capable of sauteing do stir with a wooden spoon, adding a tablespoon of water, if necessary, to prevent burning.
  • Step 2: Tostatura To obtain rice that is perfectly "al dente", it must be lightly toasted to seal the grains of rice and close the pores. When the soffritto is ready, turn up the heat, pour the rice into the casserole and stir continuously. When the rice begins to stick lightly to the pan, lower the heat and add the first ladle of hot stock(meat stock). The stock should not be added all at once but, as my Grandmother used to say "when the rice needs it," i.e. when the risotto has absorbed the liquid.
  • Step 3: Cottura(cooking) Risotto needs a lot of attention: it requires constant adding of stock and stirring/sauteing so that the starch that is released does not let the rice grains stick together. Halfway through cooking, add the soaked dried Porcini mushrooms. I also use the water where the mushrooms have been soaked to give the risotto that extra mushroom's taste. Sprinkle the risotto with the chopped parsley. To know when the rice is "al dente", you have to try it from time to time, regardless of the instructions on the packet. Normally for Carnaroli rice, you will need approx. 20 minutes. Season with salt and fresh ground black pepper to your taste.
  • Step 4: Mantecatura(whisking) Even if the name comes from the Spanish term for butter, "manteca", this stage indicates the need to add the right amount of fat to the cooked rice that will give it its distinctive shininess and adjust the flavor. Should you use Vialone Nano rice, add a little stock giving a "wave-like" (all'onda) consistency to the risotto. After adding the necessary fat and stirring/sauteing it thoroughly, add the grated Grana Padano stirring/sauteing again vigorously leaving the covered risotto to rest.
  • Serve the risotto in a soup plate and decorate with three slices of braised beef each.