
  • clean conch meat
  • scallions
  • garlic
  • cabbage heart
  • saturated fungus
  • salt
  • Shaoxing wine
  • gourmet powder
  • vinegar
  • pork soup stock
  • corn starch
  • peanut oil


  • cut the conch meat into large thin slices.Dip into boing wanter but ladle out at once. Strain off the water. Cut fungus into halves,garlic into slices and scallions into small lengths. Dip the cabbage heart into boiling water and cool in cold water. Take it out and cut into slices. Put soup stock, salt, gourmet powder, Shaoxing wine and corn starch in a bowl and make juice.
  • Pour peanut oil in the pan. When the oil begins to smoke, scald the conch meat in the oil. Leave 50g of oil. Take out immediately to strain off the oil. Leave 50g of oil in the pan and heat. Put in scallions and garlic and fry until sweet smelling. Add cabbage heart and fugus and stir. Put in the conch meat, vinegar and gourmet powder and the prepared juice. Stir several times. Ladle out and place on a plate.