
  • 1kg - 3kg of beef joint, preferably top rump, silverside rolled brisket.
  • tablespoon veg oil
  • 6-8 shallots medium size
  • 4-6 good size carrots
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 small turnip
  • 1 stick celery chopped
  • 2 bay leaves (fresh)
  • half a small cup of water
  • beef stock cube
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • ground black pepper corns
  • salt


  • in a large lidded pan, brown all sides of meat joint
  • put in peeled shallots, carrots, turnip and celery
  • add garlic, stock bay leaves
  • seasoning
  • cover pan with cooking foil
  • and seal double the foil again
  • put lid on so its very tight,
  • put into middle of the oven
  • electric fan 160 for 1 and
  • three quarter hours. Drain and rest joint cover with foil
  • make gravy with the stock in the pan
  • meanwhile cook potatoes as required and serve.