
  • 1 medium shallot
  • four 1/2-inch-thick boneless pork loin chops (about 1 pound total)
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 2 teaspoons whole-grain mustard
  • 3/4 cup veal stock (6 fluid ounces)
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter


  • Finely chop shallot.
  • Pat pork dry and season with salt and pepper.
  • In a skillet heat oil over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking and saute pork until just cooked through, about 4 minutes on each side.
  • Transfer pork to a warm platter and keep warm, covered.
  • Pour off all but 2 teaspoons fat from skillet and saute shallot, stirring, 15 seconds.
  • Add wine and simmer until reduced by about half.
  • Stir in mustard and stock and simmer sauce until slightly thickened, about 4 minutes.
  • Just before serving, add butter to sauce, stirring until incorporated, and season with salt and pepper.
  • Serve pork with sauce.