
  • 1 1/2 firm, fresh heads of Boston lettuce 7 to 8 inches in diameter
  • 6 Tb butter
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1/2 Tb granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 3 lbs, medium sized, tender, fresh green peas (3 cups, shelled)
  • 8 parsley stems tied together with white string
  • 12 green onion bulbs about 1 inch in diameter OR small white onions boiled for 5 minutes in salted water
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 Tb softened butter
  • White string
  • A heavy-bottomed, 4-quart, enameled saucepan
  • A domed lid or a soup plate
  • A hot vegetable dish


  • Remove wilted leaves, trim the stems, and wash the lettuce heads carefully so they will not break apart.
  • Cut into quarters.
  • Wind several loops of string about each quarter to keep it in shape as much as possible during the cooking.
  • Bring the butter, water, and seasonings to the boil in the saucepan.
  • Then add the peas and toss to cover them with the liquid.
  • Bury the parsley in their midst.
  • Arrange the lettuce quarters over them and baste with the liquid.
  • Pierce a cross in the root ends of the onions (for even cooking) and disperse them among the lettuce quarters.
  • So that the cooking steam will condense and fall back onto the peas, invert a lid over the saucepan and fill it with cold water or ice cubes; or use a soup plate.
  • Bring the peas to the boil and boil slowly for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender.
  • Several times during this period, remove the cover and toss the peas and vegetables to insure even cooking.
  • As the water warms up and evaporates in the cover or soup plate, refill with ice cubes or cold water.
  • When the peas are tender their cooking liquid should have almost entirely evaporated.
  • Correct seasoning.
  • Discard the parsley and the lettuce strings.
  • Just before serving, toss the peas and onions with the butter.
  • Turn them into the vegetable dish, place the lettuce around the edge of the dish, and serve at once.