Categories:Viewed: 79 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 2 cups Caster/super fine sugar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • Spanish peaches 1 large can (16 oz)drained reserving the syrup
  • 2 tbsp Lemon juice
  • sprigs of basil


  • Gently heat the caster sugar the water and the syrup until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Set aside to cool. This will make more syrup than you will require, but it can be used for other purposes.
  • Puree the peach halves with the lemon juice until smooth. Pass through a sieve to remove any lumps and hard bits. The ripeness of the fruit will dictate how much syrup to add. Start with 1/4 cup measures, then taste. Add a little more syrup when the required taste is achieved because the frozen sorbet is so cold, you need a little more syrup to bring out the fruit flavour.
  • Remember to let the sweetness work in contrast with tartness, which is achieved by adding a little more lemon juice. But don't add so much that you overpower the fruit. If using an ice cream machine, churn the puree to the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise place the puree in a large dish and freeze.
  • Check it every 20 minutes and break up the crystals with a fork. When it has reached the desired consistency, place in an airtight container, smooth down and freeze until ready to use.
  • Sorbets should eaten immediately they are ready but at least within 2-3 days as they begin to lose their fresh flavour.
  • serve a few scoops garnished with sprigs of basil.