Download Pea and broad bean salad with nasturtium leaves - Salad
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1 kg broad beans (to yield 150g double-podded beans, plus a handful to garnish)

3 handfuls fresh peas

200g sugar snap peas

1 large clove garlic, finely chopped

Salt flakes

Freshly ground black pepper

Extra virgin olive oil

150g frozen peas, refreshed in boiling water

½ bunch mint, picked and roughly chopped

5 small radishes

100g soft goat's cheese

2 handfuls nasturtium leaves

lemon, to serve

bagna cauda, to serve


1. Blanch the broad beans for three minutes in simmering water. Lift out and immediately refresh in a bowl of iced water. Follow by blanching the peas then the sugar snap peas, refreshing in iced water each time - this stops the cooking and helps to keep them bright green.

2. Split the sugar snap peas. Double-pod the broad beans, leaving a handful or so of the smaller ones whole to garnish.

3. In a mortar, add the garlic, some salt and pepper and a splash of oil and grind to a paste. Add the podded broad beans, the refreshed frozen peas and mint and pound to a rough paste - you can add a little oil if necessary, but it should be quite stiff. Check and adjust the seasoning.

4. Put the remaining handful of broad beans, fresh peas, whole radishes and split sugar snap peas in a bowl, season, drizzle with oil and toss through.

5. Spread the bean paste across a large platter and arrange the pea and broad bean mix on top. Finish with the goat's cheese, nasturtium leaves and a squeeze of lemon. Spoon over some bagna cauda and serve - I like to serve extra bagna cauda on the side.

Note: Bagna cauda recipe available here