
  • 100 grams or so Durum semolina
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 dash of a good quality oil Olive oil
  • 1 pinch Natural Salt
  • 1 tsp Squid ink
  • 1 Olive oil
  • 1 Red chili pepper
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1 bit less than 1/2 teaspoon Anchovy paste
  • 1 small can Canned tuna
  • 1 the same amount as the tuna Tomato sauce or puree
  • 1 tbsp Capers
  • 1 tbsp Black olives


  • Put the durum semolina in a large bowl, and form a well in the middle.
  • Put the other pasta ingredients in the well.
  • Mix up the ingredients in the well with a fork.
  • Gradually crumble the semolina 'wall' around it to mix in.
  • When it's more or less mixed together, start kneading.
  • Knead the dough well and form a ball.
  • Leave the dough to rest for a while (If the dough is stiff, add a little water to adjust.)
  • Roll the rested dough about 3 to 5 mm thick (no.
  • 3 on the thickness dial on a pasta machine).
  • Fold the dough into thirds.
  • Roll the folded dough again to 3-5 mm thickness.
  • Fold the dough again, tucking in the ragged edges.
  • Roll the dough out to your desired thickness.
  • The dough in the photo is rolled out with no.
  • 5 on the thickness dial of the pasta machine.
  • Dust both sides of the rolled out dough with flour.
  • Cut the dough.
  • If you don't have a pasta machine, flour the dough well and slice with a knife.
  • Dry the pasta out for 10 minutes to an hour after cutting it so that the strands don't stick together.
  • The pasta is done.
  • You can dry it on a rack as shown in step 13.
  • You can dry the pasta completely on a rack at this stage, but it becomes brittle so handle it carefully.
  • By drying the pasta out, it becomes elastic.
  • Make the sauce while the pasta dries.
  • Put the sliced red chili pepper, garlic, olive oil and anchovy paste in a small pan, and stir fry until fragrant.
  • Adjust the saltiness by adding more or less anchovy!
  • Add the rest of the sauce ingredients and simmer.
  • Boil the pasta for 1 to 3 minutes in plenty of boiling water.
  • Add a little olive oil to the cooking water to prevent the pasta from sticking.
  • Since puttanesca sauce is salty because of the anchovies, you don't need to salt the cooking water unlike with other pasta dishes.
  • Serve the sauce on the pasta.
  • If you want to fully enjoy the flavor of the black squid ink pasta on its own: Boil in salted water.
  • Omit step 15 of the sauce making process.
  • Saute the pasta in the spicy garlic oil from step 14 with a little bit of the cooking water, and make a simple aglio, olio e peperoncino.