Category: same amount
Learn same amount - Recipes
  1. Stovies - leftovers

    Ingredients 1 leftovers from a roast rib of beef, meat cut into chunks, also the bones1 same amount of potatoes, peeled.1 large onion1 beef stockpot (jelly stock, deeply concentrated, the French call it a 'marm...Learn More
    leftoverssame amountonion
  2. Pasta alla Puttanesca with Handmade Black Pasta - Durum

    Ingredients 100 grams or so Durum semolina1 Egg1 dash of a good quality oil Olive oil1 pinch Natural Salt1 tsp Squid ink1 Olive oil1 Red chili pepper1 clove Garlic1 bit less than 1/2 teaspoon Anchovy paste1 sma...Learn More
    Durumeggolive oil
  3. Melt-In-Your-Mouth Beef Tendon Curry - water

    Ingredients 1 [To prepare the beef tendon using a pressure cooker]400 to 500 grams Beef tendon1 Japanese leek600 ml Water3 Onion1 Carrot1 to 2 cloves Garlic1 the same amount as the ginger Ginger1 tbsp each Butt...Learn More