
  • 1 cup (225 ml) butter, softened
  • 1 cup (225 ml) sugar
  • 1-1/2 tsp (7 ml) grated lemon rind
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs, at room temperature
  • 2-1/2 cups (600 ml) flour
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) baking powder
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp (1 ml) salt
  • 1 cup (225 ml) finely ground blanched almonds (put through food processor until powdery)
  • 1 cup (225 ml) plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) sugar
  • 1/3 lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp (30 ml) water


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 C.).
  • In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
  • Beat in lemon rind and vanilla.
  • Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  • Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and almonds.
  • Add flour mixture to butter mixture alternately with yogurt, beating well after each addition.
  • Pour batter into a well-greased, lightly floured bundt pan or tub pan.
  • Bake for 50 to 60 minutes until the tester comes out clean.
  • Using a fork, pierce the surface of the cake all over.
  • Slowly pour lemon syrup over hot cake.
  • Let cake cool in pan on wire rack.
  • Invert on cake plate to serve.
  • In a small pan, combine sugar, lemon juice and water and stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves and mixture boils.
  • Boil for two minutes.
  • Keep warm until ready to use.