
  • 2 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1/2 stick margarine
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 c. sifted flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. soda
  • 1 pt. sour cream
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 c. chopped walnuts


  • Cream 2 cups
  • sugar
  • and butter until smooth.
  • Add eggs and blend.
  • Sift
  • flour.
  • Sift
  • together
  • flour, baking powder and soda.
  • Alternate the sour cream and flour mixture into the creamed mixture; stir
  • in
  • the
  • vanilla.
  • Pour
  • 1/2 the batter into a greased
  • 13
  • 9-inch
  • pan.
  • Combine
  • remaining sugar, cinnamon and walnuts.
  • Pour
  • part
  • of the topping on batter in pan.
  • Pour rest of
  • the
  • batter
  • into the pan and top with the remaining topping.
  • Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
  • Serve out or in the pan; stays fresh
  • in the pan and will not fall apart as much.
  • Yield: 16 servings.