
  • 10 ounces, weight Gingerbread Cookies
  • 5 ounces, weight Melted Butter
  • 2 cups Whipping Cream
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 10 ounces, weight Honey flavored Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 whole Orange Juice
  • 1 whole Orange, Zested
  • 8 whole Gelatin Leaves/sheets
  • 1 Tablespoon Water
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Sugar
  • Milk Chocolate, For Grating Over Top


  • Crumble the gingerbread cookies. You can use a blender or do it by hand. Put the crumbs into a bowl. Add the melted butter and mix well. Press the cookie mixture on the bottom of a greased 24 cm (10 inch) spring form pan. Set aside.
  • Use an electric mixer to whip together the cream and the sugar. When the cream is nice and firm, add the cream cheese, orange juice and half of the orange zest. Stir until the cream cheese is fully mixed into the whipped cream.
  • Place the gelatin sheets into a bowl of cold water and let them swell according to the instructions of the package-usually 5 minutes. Heat up the 1 tablespoon of water to about 60°C/140°F and place the gelatin sheets on the warm water. Let the leafs fully melt.
  • Use a spoon and pour the gelatin liquid into the cream cheese mixture while slowly stirring. Pour the mixture on top of the gingerbread crust and use a spoon the make the top smooth and even. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
  • On the next day carefully remove the sides of the spring form pan and finish the top with the remaining grated orange zest and shaved chocolate. You can use a cheese peeler for shaving the chocolate. Place the cake in the fridge until served.